Category: Culture

Be Relatable, Not Vulnerable

Posted by: remotelyHappy Posted on: February 21, 2023 Comments: 0

There’s a lot of hype about vulnerability these days, and how it goes hand in hand with building trust. The concept seems reasonable at first glance – being vulnerable with others enables others to recognize that you trust them, and that you’re providing a space for them to share their own vulnerabilities. defines vulnerability as the willingness to show emotion or to allow one’s weaknesses to be seen or…

10 Characteristics of High Performing Remote Teams

Posted by: remotelyHappy Posted on: February 7, 2023 Comments: 0

A high performing remote team is one that works well together and consistently delivers on their goals in a sustainable way. Remote teams usually have the same end goals as co-located teams (for example, build a website or maintain a product) – but they face different challenges when it comes to work boundaries, collaboration, and synching on work status. Remote teams that have mastered these obstacles have these ten characteristics…

What’s Your (Remote) Company ‘Culture Score’?

Posted by: remotelyHappy Posted on: January 10, 2023 Comments: 0

How does your company stack up? Let’s find out! Note down if you agree (+1) with each statement below, and sum up your points to get your company’s “culture score”. You’ll note that some statements start with “I”, and others refer to “we”. When a statement includes a “we”, respond with “agree”  if you feel the statement applies consistently across your workplace (and most of your colleagues would also agree).…